• Title : Invasion of Alien Bikini 2011
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Invasion of Alien Bikini

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  • Movie: Invasion of Alien Bikini
  • Revised romanization: Eoilrieon Bikini
  • Hangul: 에일리언 비키니
  • Director: Oh Young-Doo
  • Writer: Oh Young-DooHong Young-Geun
  • Producer: Jang Youn-Jung
  • Cinematographer: Gu Chun-Mo
  • Release Date: August 25, 2011
  • Runtime: 90 min.
  • Genre: Sci-Fi/Comedy/Action
  • Language: Korean
  • Country: South Korea


Young-Gun is a virgin who always tries to do the right thing. He wanders around the city every night as protector of the people. Nobody asked Young-Gun to do this and he doesn't get paid, but he risks his life for the common good and also picks up trash along the way.
One evening, he hears a woman screaming. After fighting with mysterious men, Young-Gun saves her and takes her back to his house. Young-Gun has a crush on her, but she is an alien who has been sent to Earth to increase her species. Before dawn, she has to find the best sperm and become fertilized with the sperm. Young-Gun has taken a vow of chastity until marriage, so he can't give the alien what she wants. Throughout the long night the beautiful alien tries to get his sperm....
Can the thirty something virgin Young-Gun overcome tempation from the alien? Can Young-Gun save Planet Earth?


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Hong Young-GeunHa Eun-Jung
Additional Cast Members:

Film Festivals


Q&A (PiFan 2011)

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Q&A took place after a screening of "Invasion of Alien Bikini" at the 2011 Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival on July 15th. AsianWiki editor Ki Mun was there and transcribed/translated the session.
  • Moderator - “Invasion of Alien Bikini” won the grand prize at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival. What was your reaction to winning the grand prize at Yubari and the reaction of the Japanese audience?
  • Oh Young-Doo (director) - It felt like the award was a big birthday present. There was some difficulties making the film. The day after receiving the grand prize the movie screened and it was also my birthday. When I went on stage, the staff members of Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival presented a birthday cake to me. When you win the award at Yubari you have to make a new movie, so I'm making my next film. I guess I learned that good things happen all at once.

  • Moderator - Question for the actors in the movie. There are some risque and erotic scenes in the film, which audience members have questioned.
  • Hong Young-Guen (actor) - Wearing only underwear in the movie. There were action scenes, 3 against 1 in a small room so I was questioned more whether I got hurt and how it was acting with other actors in the crawling scene for the movie. Also, how the action scenes were expressed. Before the shooting started, I practiced a lot, but when shooting the choking scene, the actress almost died. Another hard thing about the movie was the weather. It was very hot while shooting.
  • Ha Eun-Jung (actress) - I have been asked about my relationship with Hong Young-Guen because of the erotic scenes. We are close. We are like friends, but when shooting we needed to transform ourselves into lovers. It was difficult at times to focus and it was funny to see my friend Hong Young-Geun's erotic expressions.
  • Oh Young-Doo (director) - I recall one funny story. While shooting, Ha Eun-Jung wore a bikini all the time. To make her feel less exposed, the assistant director took off his t-shirt and pants.

  • Audience Question – There’s a lot of computer graphic parts. I'm curious where you worked and were there any difficulties in making the movie?
  • Oh Young-Doo (director) - Not much graphic work. Simple graphic stuff I did at home. The more complicated stuff I assigned to a cg team.

  • Audience Question - The alien aspect seemed fresh. Curious if there are any indirect meanings behind the alien?
  • Oh Young-Doo (director) - These kinds of questions are difficult for me. When the original idea for the movie came about, there wasn’t any thoughts about placing deeper meanings into the movie. The idea for the movie actually came about after I looked at (main actor) Hong Young-Geun’s body. Last year, around this time, I came here and had a chat with Hong Young-Geun at a coffee shop. At that time the idea for the movie came to fruitiion. So there isn’t any deeper meanings.

  • Audience Question - It didn't look like there was much cg work for the action scenes, but it did look like the fighting was styled after Shaolin Temple. How did you edit the movie?
  • Oh Young-Doo (director) - I think that’s the basic crux of action films. Emotionally strong action scenes, even though the action isn't glamorous. I edited in a normal way. When I shot the movie the shooting for the action scenes took place at my house. I thought the house was going to collapse. The house is small. There was a lot of damage to my home. The actors in the fighting scenes have trained in the martial arts for a long time. When we shot at night we were able to work comfortably because of them. We couldn't show glamorous action scenes so we focused on showing real action. 3 actors, including main actor Young-Geun, tried their best from their heart. They weren't afraid to get hurt. The shooting place ... roof room ... was very hot. More than 40 degrees celsius, so they were all covered in sweat. The editing wasn't anything special.

  • Moderator – A beautiful alien hunts for sperm from a 30-year-old virgin. How did you come up with that idea?
  • Oh Young-Doo (director) – It’s simple. Usually in movies, men kidnap women and do bad things. I wanted to do something different from that typical idea. So in this movie, the woman does it. I also wanted a woman with a unique personality. So, how about an alien? I thought of it like that.

  • Moderator - This question is for Hong Young-Geun. In the movie, your character attempts to live the “right way.” Also, mentions a violent father ...
  • Hong Young-Guen (actor) - When I analyzed my character from the script, I thought a lot about how to express my character's emotions, because he was abused and abandoned by his father at a young age. By chance, the answer came out by simply not expressing. At some point there would be an explosion and that is when he meets Monica. When he learns that she is an alien, he remembers his past and starts to use violence force. I thought that part was difficult to portray.

  • Moderator - While playing the sexy alien was there any funny stories or difficulties?
  • Ha Eun-Jung (actress) - I've never seen an alien or played an alien. I joined the movie before they had a script, so we discussed a lot of things and also collected ideas. In the beginning, there wasn't a set look for the alien. Talked with the director and Hong Yong-Geun. We decided not to think or calculate too much. I acted in a simple fashion and comfortably. The alien got into a human's body and used human feelings. I acted like that. Funny story ... I don't feel awkward anymore when guys expose their upper body parts, because while shooting all the guys were exposed from the waist up.

  • Moderator - Question for Hong Young-Geun and Ha Eun-Jung. After you watched the movie what scenes were you impressed with the most or liked the most?
  • Hong Young-Guen (male actor) - The most impressive scene for me was also the most difficult scene for me. The scene where I choked my father. It was emotionally difficult. The most memorable was the fighting scene that took place in a room to save Monica.

  • Moderator - For the director, you mentioned the idea for the movie came about from seeing Hong Young-Geun's body. Is there any message you want to send to the audience?
  • Oh Young-Doo (director) - No messages. I'm sure you can come up with something if you look hard enough, but the reason I made the movie was just so the audience can have fun. The most important thing is that the audience has a good time watching the film. That is the most important message.

  • Moderator - Last question. What projects do you have coming up or what do you hope to achieve in the near future?
  • Hong Young-Guen (actor) – “Invasion of Alien Bikini” is released on August 25th. I hope a lot of people come out and watch the movie.
  • Ha Eun-Jung (actress) - I hope people enjoy "Invasion of Alien Bikini" a lot. Right now I'm filming a new movie. I hope we finish the new movie without accidents and the movie can show here next year and I can talk with you then.
  • Oh Young-Doo (director) - "Invasion of Alien Bikini" will be released in August. I hope 15 million people watch the movie and we win the best foreign film award at the Academy Awards. Also, I hope I can show my next film, which I am shooting now, at next year's PiFan and the audience will enjoy that movie.

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