• Title : Vacance 2013
  • The Pop Clips
  • Latest Updated On : 2017-11-12T19:39:00-08:00
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Vacance 2013

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  • Movie: Vacance
  • Revised romanization: Bakangseu
  • Hangul: 바캉스
  • Director: Park Sun-Uk
  • Writer: Park Sun-Uk
  • Producer: Lim So-Hyeon
  • Cinematographer: Sean Lee
  • Release Date: October 17, 2013
  • Runtime: 87 min.
  • Language: Korean
  • Country: South Korea


A top actress, the daughter-in-law for a wealthy family and an innocent bride to be were once good friends. Someone then threatens to reveal their pasts if they don't seduce three men.
The three men are a photographer, a wealthy man and humorous guy. They have a secret hobby, ordinary people could not understand. By chance, these three men and women meet and they all go on vacation to a paradise like place. But, that is all part of a scheme. Who is behind the scheme?


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